
Light the Spark

The Path of the Paco

The Path of the Andean Healer

Training with Barbara Hess

at Anam Draiocht Centre Ardmore County Waterford

In this year long adventure we will gather our Khujas for our Micha Mother Bundle Q’ero style one by one by pilgramage to 12 local Nature Beings i.e Mountains, valleys, rivers, ocean, holy wells. With the sacred law of Ayni with our Munay, Yankay, Yachay (love and will, action ,intellectual knowledge) we create beautiful Haywarikwuys (despachos) as an offering to ask that our chosen Nature Beings become our allies. We will choose our 12 Nature beings (I.e. mountains, lakes rivers, oceans, valleys, power places ) with our heart so we are nestled in them ,where we live, for life force and healing for ourselves and others. They will be our companions on our spiritual path who help us in all kinds of work we do and bring harmony, love and healing to our lives.

Don Umberto: “a Khuya (healing stone)in our mother bundle gifted from our Nature Being through the sacred law of reciprocity Ayni is the caller and the channeller of the soul of that nature being.”

We will begin with making pilgrimages to the home of our Pacarina: Nature Mother and Itu Apu Nature Father

Our Pacarina and Itu Apu are our mom and dad given by mother Earth to us at birth. “Our Pacarina is the gateway to the greatest wisdom and to our subconscious”. Don Umberto:” Our Itu Apu is our lawyer who argues our case in the invisible world. “

We will learn how to call on those nature beings. With the sacred reciprocity of Ayni we make a request by gifting a haywariquy (offering with our own hand and love) to that Nature Being to receive a khuya for our misha. We receive the heart, the power and love of that nature being in the form of a khuya . We give our Karpay with our offering and receive the Karpay initiation/irrigation from the nature being.

Don Umberto says : “Karpay is everything it will give you abundance health and protection. It is the gateway to gain healing powers the gateway to the Pampa Myshayoq and Alto Mishayoq. It gives you the special connection with Pachamama and the Apus (the Earth and the Mountains) and speak with pachamama. It gives you the power to heal and create and you will have the power to face particular situations in your life. It will give you stability in your family and it refines the energy where you live.”

The Soul given to each of us is moved by the same living spirit that moves the Universe.

Albert Einstein



During the PATH OF THE PACO training I am honoured and grateful to share with you Karpay initiations and teachings I received from Juan and Ivan Nunez Del Prado , Elizabeth Jenkins and the Q’ero 4th level Andean priests and Nusta Pacos Dona Augustina, Don Martin, Don Lorenzo, Dona Zenobia, Don Juan , Dona Monica, Dona Augustina, Don Francisco, Don Ricardo, Dona Rosita, Don Umberto, Dona Marcosa and Dona Manuela and John Cantwell and Karen Ward Slianchroi .

1. Karpay sacred initiations of the HATUN KARPAY, the great initiation in the Inca tradition.

KARPAY AYNI initiation into the 4th level

CHUMPI AWAY NAWI KICHAY opening and activating the 7 Inka eyes

MICHA CHAKUY RITUAL where you receive a lineage stone connecting you to the spiritual lineage of the 4th level Inca tradition.

Connection to the 12 sacred mountains of Ireland and the 12 sacred mountains of the sacred Valley Peru.

2.Waqariquy – the calling to the nature beings and empowerment of our micha

3.Hampi Haywariquy – the many different types of healing offerings that can be required

4. khuyas and healing with the micha

5.Nawis (chacra ) diagnosis

6. Animo Waq’hay – the many different forms of calling back a persons energy.

7.Extraction, Soul Retrieval and Healing of the Ancestors

THE PATH OF THE PACO is 4 x 3day weekends 275 e each and 4 practice days in between

For more information please email at barbarahessinfo(at)

or ring on 0860777792

Machu Pichu

Machu Pichu